Shorter BBC Report 1958
However, as long as the user remains consistent in his demands, there seems no reason why subjective studies should not ultimately yield a set of workable criteria for the guidance of designers...

The article presented here is an originally "Private and Confidential" report from the Research Department of the BBC, published in April, 1958.  Donovan Earnest Lea Shorter is of interest to we Quad people, because one of his patents was studied by Walker when developing the Quad '63.  The original Quad Electrostatic Loudspeaker is also mentioned towards the end of this lengthy report.  Serendipitously, the report also has something to say about "measurement" and "subjective" approaches to "how something will sound.  Here is Shorter's view:

"It will be seen that one of the greatest single obstacles to further progress is the difficulty of formulating in sufficient detail the requirements to be met. The characteristics of the ideal loudspeaker, often regarded as self-evident, are found on closer examination to be indefinable in objective terms. However, as long as the user remains consistent in his demands, there seems no reason why subjective studies should not ultimately yield a set of workable criteria for the guidance of designers"   D.E.L. Shorter

That is a quite interesting remark from a "hard core" engineer !

Also, it should be noted that Shorter uses P.J. Walker's publication in "Wireless World" as one of his references:  

34. Walker, P.J., "Wide-Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers", Wireless World, Vol. 61, pp. 208, 265 and 381, 1955.

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